Artwork & Vintage Signs
When boating is your favorite hobby you'll love to display it on your home or office walls. At the Lake of the Ozarks, there's no shortage of unique wall art. Your gift recipient will appreciate the thought when you gift them the perfect lake-inspired artwork or sign. Nautical Decor & Pillows
Get into the holiday spirit with nautical themed pillows and decor. Decorative throw pillows are a great gift for the water loving friends in your life. For that person on your list who loves a nautical themed room, consider looking for photo frames and other unique accessories. They will love a reason to freshen up their lake house and you'll love the smile on their face!Outdoor Gear
Lake lovers will be overjoyed when they open up a gift related to outdoor living. Coolers, outdoor grills, water-themed tumblers, outdoor blankets, and compasses all make special personal gifts for that outdoorsy friend on your list.Marine Electronics & Gadgets
Have someone that you know will love the newest, latest and greatest when it comes to electronics? Waterproof cameras, portable audio systems, fish-finders, and stereo speakers all make excellent gifts for those water-lovers on your list.Water Wear
For guys and gals that spend a lot of time on the lake, you can't go wrong with apparel. Boat shoes that can carry the recipient to and from their BomBay Boat rental will definitely be a hit! Clothing designed for men and women who love to spend time on the water and want to look good while they're doing it is a great idea and can be found at a number of local shops.

Tubes & Floats - For the Kids!
It may be several months before they'll be able to utilize water toys but the kids will definitely love the package! Active boaters and their families will enjoy receiving anything you can jump, toss or ride in the water!BomBay Boat Membership
Renting a boat at the Lake of the Ozarks allows you all of the fun of being out on the water without all of the work involved with storing, cleaning, and transporting a boat of your own. BomBay Boat Rental Company offers both boat memberships and wave runner memberships that can be used at any of our locations. Take a closer look at the excellent membership options on our website.
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